Growing With God
If you've asked your questions, discovered the answers and gone from an intellectual belief in God to a personal relationship with Christ based on heartfelt faith... then now is the time to jump in and see how to grow in your relationship with God!
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Worship: Worshiping GOD as a Christian is not just about singing, fasting and praying. GOD is not interested in what you do as much as why you do it. HE does not honor hypocrisy -only a heart devoted to HIM. Worship is not something you just do on Sunday… it is a lifestyle. We are to love, trust, obey, praise, thank and live only for HIM every day. It is about surrender. It will cost you your self-centeredness. We are to worship in spirit and in truth. We were made specifically to bring GOD pleasure and glory.
Fellowship: Fellowship is all about doing life together during the good and bad times. It is about being genuine, transparent and vulnerable in the things you share in confidence with others. It is about loving your neighbor as yourself. It is about encouraging others and sympathizing with their feelings. We are all part of GOD's family and he wants us to grow in our love for others. True love is about forgiveness and reconciliation.
Discipleship: Discipleship is about growing and maturing - it is the process of becoming like Jesus Christ. Growing is not easy - it takes work and commitment. It requires us to examine and change the way we think, feel and act. Thankfully HE also gives us HIS Spirit and HIS Word to transform us into the image of Christ. Additionally GOD uses other people and circumstances in our lives to help us grow through trials, temptations, and troubles.
Ministry: Ministry is all about serving and giving. As Christians we are called to a ministry in the body of believers and a mission to the world. Each of us are shaped and gifted by GOD to fulfill our part in HIS great plan. Find the blessing of losing yourself in serving Jesus by serving others. Though we are saved only by HIS grace HE also calls us to good works - not to earn salvation but to encourage and equip the body of believers. Ministry is about serving an audience of ONE!
Evangelism: Evangelism is about sharing the love of Christ with everyone. We are all commanded to go and make disciples. This is our mission as Christians and it is not an option. In fact, it is a profound responsibility, the greatest privilege, and the most incredible honor in the entire world. This mission is the greatest thing you can do for another person, carries eternal significance, and is the true secret of being blessed! In these sites we will teach you to share the gospel and to develop your own life message.
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